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MHRA Compliant Medication
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UK Licensed & Regulated Pharmacy
MHRA Compliant Medication
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Free shipping on all orders over £30 (Excluding fridge items)
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How do I take Priligy?
One Priligy tablet should be taken between 1-3 hours of having sex. The recommended starting dose of Priligy is 30mg no more than once in a 24-hour period. If the 30mg dose is not effective for you your doctor may increase your dose to 60mg. The tablet can be taken with or without food and should be swallowed whole with water.
This medication is not suitable for you if any of the following apply:
You have not been diagnosed with prem
mature ejaculation
You also have another sexual problem, such as erectile dysfunction
You have a history of dizziness from low blood pressure
You use recreational drugs such as ecstasy, LSD, narcotics or benzodiazepines
You have ever had a mental health problem such as depression, mania (symptoms include
feeling over-excited, irritable or not being able to think clearly), bipolar disorder (symptoms include serious mood swings between mania and depression) or schizophrenia (a psychiatric disease)
You have epilepsy
You have a history of bleeding or blood clotting problems
You have kidney problems
You have, or are at risk of high pressure in the eye (glaucoma)