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Calpol Infant Suspension Sugar Free

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From £3.40
UK Licensed & Regulated Pharmacy
MHRA Compliant Medication
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What Can Calpol Be Used For?

As Calpol contains paracetamol this medication can be used to relieve symptoms of pain and help reduce temperature and manage fevers. High temperatures are often experienced by children during the cold and flu seasons as well as opportunistic viral infections. Calpol is great for children who are teething, it also helps with headaches, earaches, toothaches, sore throats and other generalized aches and pains.

Although paracetamol is generally considered a safe medicine It is imperative that you do not exceed the recommended dosages.No other paracetamol-containing product should be given alongside this medicine, should this occur please seek emergency medical attention.


Calpol comes in 2 strengths, Infant Calpol (120mg/5ml) can be used from 2 months to 6 years whilst Calpol 6+  (250mg/5ml) can be used from 6 years +

Firstly the 2+ infant Calpol contains paracetamol 120mg/5ml and dosage is as follows:

Children aged 2-3 months:

Child's Age

How much

2-3 months

(post vaccination fever)

2.5ml - if necessary, after 4-6 hours, give a second 2.5ml dose.

Children aged 3 months - 6 years:

Child's Age

How much

How often (in 24 hours)

3-6 months


Up to 4 times

6-24 months


Up to 4 times

2-4 years

7.5ml (5ml + 2.5ml)

Up to 4 times

4-6 years

10ml (5ml + 5ml)

Up to 4 times

Secondly the 6 plus Calpol contains Paracetamol 250mg/5ml and dosage is as follows:

Child's Age

How Much

How often (in 24 hours)*

Under 6 years

Not recommended


6 – 8 years

5 ml

4 times

8 – 10 years

7.5 ml (5 ml + 2.5 ml)

4 times

10 – 12 years

10 ml (5 ml + 5 ml)

4 times

  • This medication is not suitable for children under  4kg or who are born premature ( 37 weeks or earlier)

  • Do not give this to babies under 2 months

  • Leave at least 4 hours between doses

  • Do not administer this medication more than 4 times per 24 hours

  • Do not give this medication to your child for more than 3 days without consulting your primary health care provider to ensure any other potential underlying causes are addressed.

Please read the patient information leaflet carefully before administering any medication, if unsure consult your healthcare provider.

Side Effects

Common side effects of using Calpol include:

  • Upset stomach

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

Some other side effects which are less common include;

  • Skin rashes 

  • Loose stool

  • Dark clay coloured stool

  • Bloody and cloudy urine

If your child experiences side effects when using this medication, stop treatment and seek medical attention.

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