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Beconase hayfever relief
A very common symptom of hayfever is blocked sinuses which can cause difficulty breathing. Beconase contains the active ingredient Beclometasone, a corticosteroid. This nasal spray works similar to the hormones produced naturally by the adrenal gland minimizing the inflammatory responses elicited by the immune system to help reduce symptoms such as swelling, redness and itching.Suitable for adults and children above the age of 6 this medication needs to be administered consistently in order to see positive results.
How to use Beconase hayfever relief?
When administering Beconase, place one finger on one nostril closing it shut, insert the nasal spray into the other nostril and tilt your head slightly forward, gently inhaling through the open nostril spray 2 puffs of the medication into the nose . breathe out through your mouth. Repeat the process with the other nostril. Ensure you clean the tip of the nozzle before placing the lid back on. Beconase should be used twice a day once in the morning and once in the evening do not spray more than 4 sprays per nostril within a 24 hour period. Beclometasone should not be used for more than 1 month without consulting with your doctor for further advice on suitable treatment options.
Side effects
Although side effects with Beconase are uncommon some patients can experience the following symptoms;
Unpleasant taste
Dry throat
Sore nose
Change sin eyesight
If you experience side effects contact your primary health care provider for further advice before proceeding with a treatment.
If your doctor sees it necessary they will prescribe you beclometasone if you're pregnant so long as the advantages outweigh the risks. When breastfeeding you can take beclometasone however it should always be through the supervision of your primary health care provider. Medications such as nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen, or aspirin and medication used to treat HIV amongst others can interfere with beclometasone therefore it is essential you inform your doctor of any other medication you are taking herbal or otherwise before proceeding with treatment.