Here’s what you need to know about the Fit-to-Fly Certificate

23 March, 2021  |  Jane Thomas - Marketing

Here’s what you need to know about the Fit-to-Fly Certificate

What is a Fit-to-Fly Certificate?

A Fit-to-Fly Certificate is a travel certificate required to prove you are COVID free; it is a medical certificate issued by a UKAS accredited lab that confirms that you are Fit-to-Fly to fly to destinations in or out of the UK. Before the era of COVID, the Fit-to-Fly Certificate was typically needed for people who suffered from pre-existing conditions that could be an issue on the flight.

Suppose you are planning to travel this year. In that case, it’s vital that you keep up to date with the latest policies regarding the government-mandated Fit-to-Fly Certificate and when you will be required to get tested to apply for the Certificate.

What non-COVID Medical Conditions Can Cause an Issue on a Flight?

Although this article is concerned with COVID related information still, we feel responsible for informing you of the various conditions that mandate the use of a Fit-to-Fly Certificate. Here are some of the more common, non-COVID related medical conditions that can be an issue on a flight and would require a Fit-to-Fly Certificate:

  • Deep Vein Thrombosis

  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

  • Stroke

  • Recent Surgery

  • Gastroenteritis

  • Chest infections

  • Pregnancy

Airlines may also require a Fit-to-Fly Certificate if you:

  • Recently undergone surgery

  • Are travelling for medical purposes

  • Are more than 28 weeks pregnant

  • Have been discharged from a hospital recently

Flying While Pregnant

If you are pregnant and are planning to fly, most airlines will probably not allow you to fly if you are 36 weeks pregnant or carrying twins. If you are around 32 weeks pregnant, you will typically need a Fit-to-Fly Certificate to be allowed on a flight. The caution around pregnancy and air travel is due to the possibility of going into labour early or developing a blood clot due to air pressure changes as the aeroplane climbs up to heights that commercial airliners travel at, which is 36,000 feet. 

What are COVID Fit-to-Fly Certificates?

Almost all airlines nowadays require proof of a recent negative COVID test before someone is allowed onto an international flight. These COVID Fit-to-Fly Certificates are proof that you have tested negative for COVID. This certificate is not associated with the previously mentioned pre-existing medical reasons that can cause issues on flights.

If you are showing the classic symptoms of COVID, namely, a high fever, constant coughing and a loss of smell or taste, among other common symptoms, then the NHS will test you for free at your nearest testing location. However, the NHS does not provide COVID testing services for international flights. If you plan to travel abroad any time soon, you will need to get a COVID RT-PCR Test done privately, which is where iQ Doctor comes in.

iQ Doctor can get you tested for COVID and issue a Fit-to-Fly Certificate in time for your flight.

iQ Doctor UK: When Should You Order Your Test?

You can order your COVID-19 Corona Virus Home Test Kit at any time well in advance of your flight. Don’t delay or procrastinate getting this product because it could mean the difference between finding out you’re infected and quarantining or not finding out and accidentally spreading COVID to other people.

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When Should You Take the Home Test Kit to Get the Fit-to-Fly Certificate in Time?

You should collect your sample at home and deliver it to our lab according to your time window, which is usually 3 to 4 days within the flight. We will take 12 to 24 hours to process the results after receiving the sample.

How Does the Test Work?

After you have ordered your home test kit, it takes 1 to 2 working days to deliver the kit. The kit will contain everything you need to collect your sample accurately. It has an instruction manual that you should follow for accurate results. To return the sample to the lab, while placing the order, you are given the option to choose between a prepaid DX label or purchase Treadstone home collection service for an additional £10.

The lab specialists will notify you of the results immediately after analysing the sample. If your result is negative for COVID, you will receive the Fit-to-Fly Certificate in a matter of days.

What is the Purpose of a Fit-to-Fly Certificate?

A Fit-to-Fly Certificate shows that you are fit and healthy and pose no reasonable danger to other people as far as spreading COVID is concerned. It is proof that you can present to the authorities of your travel destination government that you do not have COVID, nor are you a carrier.


For further details about the Fit-to-Fly Certificate, please read our article on COVID Antibodies and The Need for a Fit-to-Fly Certificate to develop an informed opinion on the requirement.

How Long Does the Validity of the Fit-to-Fly Certificate Last?

A Fit-to-Fly Certificate’s validity depends on your chosen destination’s travel requirements and how long before the flight you need to be tested. This can vary from country to country.

Birmingham Airport now recommends iQ Doctor’s Fit-to-Fly Certificate as an approved method of COVID-19 Testing.

Remember, at iQ Doctor, Our Priority is Your Health.

Reviewed By

Omar El-Gohary

Omar El-Gohary

The superintendent and lead pharmacist - registration number 2059792.

Omar is passionate about developing healthcare technology to empower our patients.

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