Walk-through: Getting a Fit-to-Fly Certificate

26 March, 2021  |  Jane Thomas - Marketing

Walk-through: Getting a Fit-to-Fly Certificate

This article is a step-by-step guide to securing a Fit-to-Fly Certificate without any hassle. However, before getting into that, it is essential to know what a Fit-to-Fly Certificate is and why it is deemed mandatory by travel authorities.

What is a Fit-to-Fly Certificate?

In case you are planning to travel abroad during the COVID-19 pandemic, whether it’s travelling for business or luxury, you’ll need to check if your destination requires you to get a Fit-to-Fly Certificate. You can easily order a Fit-to-Fly Certificate along with an RT-PCR Test.

A Fit-to-Fly Certificate is a document presented by an accredited lab that states that the person has recently been tested negative for COVID-19. A Fit-to-Fly Certificate has the travellers passport number, name, address, etc., and it is certified by the lab.

Need for a Fit-to-Fly Certificate for Safe Travel

Airlines usually have varying time frames for which the Fit-to-Fly Certificate remains valid. It differs depending on the airline company and authorities of the destination country. Usually, an allotted time frame of 48  to 120 hours is the test validity standard. In other words, both the test and the certificate remain valid for that period.

It is assumed that if you didn’t have Coronavirus during the time of testing, it is improbable you’ll be carrying the virus for the duration of 48 or 72 hours after the test. 

A Fit-to-Fly Certificate is a step towards curbing the spread of Coronavirus. It promotes people to follow COVID-19 SOPS(Standard Operating Procedures). The Fit-to-Fly Certificate ensures that people travelling together do not have COVID-19. Knowing that you and the people around you have a Fit-to-Fly Certificate gives you a sense of relief. 

IQ Doctor UK and Fit-to-Fly Certificate

Different countries have various procedures, rules, and regulations to acquire a Fit-to-Fly Certificate. IQ Doctor UK is an online Pharmacy that provides you with an RT-PCR Test along with a Fit-to-Fly certification. IQ Doctor follows a simple and easy to understand process that will help you get your Fit-to-Fly Certificate. IQ Doctor is authorised by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) to sell medicines online and is also registered with the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) as an Internet pharmacy.

This documentation is a travel essential nowadays because people who don’t have a valid Fit-to-Fly Certificate are barred from boarding international flights. This new SOP makes travelling hectic in already stressful times. Still, it is a slight compromise to ensure you and your loved ones’ safety. By exchanging your test sample and travel information beforehand, you play an active part in combating this pandemic. We at IQ Doctor appreciate your initiative, and we respect the individuals’ privacy. Our procedures provide 100% discretion and confidentiality.

Step by Step Guide 


Follow this step by step walkthrough to get yourself an RT-PCR kit and your Fit-to-Fly Certificate.

Step 1: We advise you to wash your hands before starting.

Step 2: Firstly, take the swab and wipe the swab head at the back of your throat. Avoid swabbing your tongue and teeth for better results. Rub the swab behind the arch of your throat. Doing this might make you gag, but it shouldn’t be painful.

Step 3: Using the same swab, place the soft tip at the entrance of one of your nostrils and gently swipe around the inside of your nose. Repeat this same step for the other nostril using the same swab. 

Step 4: Open the transport medium carefully, ensuring that you don’t spill any of the preservative liquid inside. Insert the swab’s cotton end into the container and break off the plastic end. The breaking point is indicated on the swab near the soft tip end. 

Step 5: Replace the lid on the tube and close it tightly. It would help if you always kept in mind not to touch the soft tip end of the swab before or after swabbing to avoid contamination. 

Step 6: Package the test sample according to the given instructions and seal it inside the test kit box.

Step 7: Next, you should insert the test kit in the packaging box in the biohazard bag and seal it again in the packaging to send it to the delivery services. 

Points to Remember While Getting a Fit-to-Fly Certificate 

AT IQ Doctor UK we use DX or Treadstone Collection Service as delivery services. Given that you already have your testing kit, sending it back to the lab and receiving your results is concluded within 72 hours. You also need to remember to be extra time-efficient and register your kit on the IQ Doctors online portal as soon as you take the test.

Getting the Fit-to-Fly Certificate

If your RT-PCR Test is negative you’ll get a Fit-to-Fly Certificate with your test results. The arrival of the results is informed via the email address that you used during the time of registration. You can download the results from  IQ Doctor’s online portal. This document will be presentable to your airline.

IQ Doctor provides you with a simple and easy step-by-step procedure to get yourself a Fit-to-Fly Certificate. The validity of this certificate is dependent upon when you are supposed to travel and how soon before your flight you need to be tested. A Fit-to-Fly Certificate is mandatory under the current COVID-19 circumstances, for travel. It is a time-sensitive process and IQ Doctor understands the significance of the process and our team works tirelessly to ensure customer satisfaction. A Fit-to-Fly Certificate is a necessity in this day and age.

Reviewed By

Omar El-Gohary

Omar El-Gohary

The superintendent and lead pharmacist - registration number 2059792.

Omar is passionate about developing healthcare technology to empower our patients.

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