Which Vitamins Should You Take This Spring?
25 February, 2025 | Jane Thomas - Marketing
Which Vitamins Should You Take This Spring?
Springtime is right around the corner. If you're someone who loves longer, brighter and sunnier days, that's good news - we can finally wave goodbye to those dark, frosty mornings (at least for now)!
You might think that winter is the most important time to add vitamins and other dietary supplements to your diet, but they're worth considering during spring too. As we begin to spend more time outdoors and embrace the warmer weather, our priorities tend to shift. We want to feel energised and ready to make the most of our time outside, while still doing what we can to avoid getting ill and keeping allergies at bay.
The question is, which vitamins should you be prioritising? We're going to reveal all right here, walking you through the most beneficial vitamins and dietary supplements to take during springtime.
What are the best vitamin supplements to take during spring?
Vitamin D
If you're curious which vitamins the NHS recommends taking, vitamin D consistently ranks number one - and for good reason. In theory, we should get all the vitamin D we need by spending time in sunlight but, since you live in the UK, you'll be well aware that sunlight isn't always easy to access.
Sure, spring usually brings warmer temperatures and more sunlight, but British weather remains anything but predictable. And if you spend most of your time working from home or in an office, you have even less time to enjoy the sun while it's shining.
Although the NHS recommends taking a vitamin D supplement throughout autumn and winter, continuing to take one during spring is a good idea, particularly if you spend most of your time indoors. Insufficient levels of vitamin D can sap our energy levels and affect the health of our muscles, bones and teeth, so it's important to get enough of it as we move into spring.
Vitamin B
B vitamins have a whole host of different benefits to offer, and they're particularly important as the weather warms up. We're grouping B vitamins together here for the sake of simplicity, but different B vitamins have different benefits.
For instance, vitamins B1, B2 and B3 help boost energy levels, maintain the health of your nervous system, your skin and your eyesight. Meanwhile, vitamins B6 and B12 stimulate the production of red blood cells and help bolster your immune system, allowing you to more easily fight off any viruses you're unlucky enough to catch.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A goes hand-in-hand with B vitamins, helping support your immune system and maintain the health of your skin and eyes. It's also known for its antioxidant properties, which help to keep your heart, lungs and other internal organs in good shape.
Vitamin C
Found in fruits and vegetables, vitamin C is another crucial vitamin our bodies need. If you have a hard time getting your five-a-day, taking a vitamin C supplement is a good idea, particularly as the weather warms up.
Just like vitamin A, vitamin C is known for its antioxidant properties. It also makes it easier for your body to absorb iron, potentially boosting energy levels if you're not getting enough iron from your current diet.
Because vitamin C supports the natural production of collagen, it's a great way to maintain the health of your skin - and, as an added bonus, it's an antihistamine. If you suffer from hayfever, taking a vitamin C supplement could make all the difference.
Do I need to take vitamin supplements at all?
Unless you've been specifically advised to take supplements by your doctor, you might not need to take any - but there are plenty of reasons why you'd want to.
Although vitamin supplements aren't essential, they can have a significant impact on our daily lives, enhancing our energy levels and making it easier for our bodies to fight off viruses.
How frequently should I take vitamin supplements?
Most vitamin supplements are intended to be taken once daily, but always check the packaging and stick to the recommended dose stated on the label.
Where can I order vitamin supplements online?
Looking for a fast, easy way to stock up on all the vitamins you need this spring? We have a wide range of vitamins and other dietary supplements in stock here at IQ Doctor, all for affordable prices - and all with free next-day delivery included.
Discover our complete range of vitamins and supplements and place your order today.
Reviewed By
Omar El-Gohary
The superintendent and lead pharmacist - registration number 2059792.
Omar is passionate about developing healthcare technology to empower our patients.