Treating Erectile Dysfunction with Oral Medication

07 September, 2020  |  Holy Winter - Healthcare Writer

The first line of treatment for erectile dysfunction is oral medication which causes the muscles in the penis to relax and allow more blood flow. While medications like Viagra tablets that one can buy online work well, they can cause a few side effects.

Types of Oral Medications

Each oral medication works in the same way, but their chemical makeup can affect how quickly it works and how long it stays in effect. The doctor will also take into consideration how the other medications you may be taking will interact with ED pill.  Viagra tablets that one buys online is extremely effective for those suffering from a mild to moderate case of erectile dysfunction. Taken on an empty stomach, its effects last for at least five hours. Vardenafil is usually taken an hour before sex at any time and its effects also last up to five hours. A newer version of the drug dissolves directly on the tongue and works faster than an ordinary pill. Tadalafil or Cialis is effective or up to 36 hours and is usually taken in smaller doses. The drugs must be chosen according to preference, cost, easy usage and how long its effects last.

Precautions To Take with Oral Medication

While most oral medication for erectile dysfunction can be bought online, it should be done so in consultation with a specialist. The wrong drug can prove to be ineffective or dangerous to your health and life. Certain ED drugs should not be taken if you have hypotension or hypertension, severe liver complications, undergoing kidney dialysis or taking medication for heart disease. When buying medications from an online store always check if it is legitimate. Always ensure that they ask for a prescription and they are selling the genuine product. Counterfeit drugs can be dangerous and unsafe.  Once the order is received check if it is in the correct dose and it is the right drug. Viagra tablets that buy online can often be sold in the name of ‘herbal’ Viagra which isn’t really an alternative. It is ineffective and contains substances that can cause harm.

Side Effects of ED Medication

The sudden changes in blood flow causes headaches and this symptom is common among all the drugs used to treat erectile dysfunction. Many patients have reported body aches and pains when using Viagra tablets bought online while some experience constipation or diarrhea. Increase in nitric oxide causes some individuals to experience mild dizziness while others develop hot flushes and blurry visions.

Stay in touch with you doctor so that he can treat your ED right.

Reviewed By

Omar El-Gohary

Omar El-Gohary

The superintendent and lead pharmacist - registration number 2059792.

Omar is passionate about developing healthcare technology to empower our patients.

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