How To Salvage Your Failing New Year’s Resolution
17 August, 2020 | Jane Thomas - Marketing
Eighty percent of people have abandoned their New Year’s resolutions by the time February rolls around. If you’ve already put off going to the gym or you’re hitting snooze on your alarm clock instead of getting up that whole hour earlier, you’re not the only one.
New Years resolutions fail for several reasons.
Let’s say you’re used to eating out for breakfast, lunch and dinner for convenience and suddenly decide you’ll prepare everything at home with fresh ingredients, go vegan and cut your daily calories.
This is too much, too soon. Our brains don’t like change, that’s why habits take so long to form (and undo).
Reviewed By
Omar El-Gohary
The superintendent and lead pharmacist - registration number 2059792.
Omar is passionate about developing healthcare technology to empower our patients.
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