Quick and Easy Workout for Weight Loss at Home

24 August, 2022  |  Holy Winter - Healthcare Writer

Quick and Easy Workout for Weight Loss at Home

Losing weight is a personal hurdle that many people face in their lives today. They constantly seek advice, diet tips, workout regimens and supplements to get back into shape. You may be one of those people, hence why you find yourself reading this blog. Excess weight can be a big problem for some people. Not only can it seriously affect self-esteem, but it also leads to other health complications. The older we get, the more we need to care for our bodies. This isn’t helped by the fact that age makes shedding those extra few pounds relatively harder. But there are still ways, and we will explore it all in the blog.

Let us first look at some of the reasons why people find it so difficult to lose weight. Then we will share some easy weight loss exercises and supplements to help you get to your ideal body weight as fast as possible. 

Challenges To Weight Loss Journey

Many people find losing weight a challenge, and this may be due to multiple reasons. As someone in the same boat as you, I can share some insights on the reasons that were holding me back and what helped me. 


One of the first things that hold people back is the motivation to begin their weight loss journeys. No amount of diet plans and weight loss exercises at home can help you until you are ready and fully committed. Motivation is a massive problem for many people. Getting out of bed and starting the workout is a lot of work. While some people may be able to relate to a lack of motivation, others do not. They simply chalk it up to laziness. 

Well, let me tell you that this is not always the case. Motivation is inert. Support from friends and family does go a long way towards helping you. But ultimately, you have to climb that mountain by yourself.

The key to remaining motivated is to always remember your long-term goal and stay relentless. Just because you missed one workout, had a cheat meal, or did not see the results instantly does not mean all your efforts have been in vain. Stay on that horse. 


Many of us live busy lives. Most people have a 9 to 5 job and do not think they can work in a proper exercising regime. This is understandable. Unlike celebrities and influencers, us looking good is not our main job. Despite the time constraint, people underestimate what only a 30-minute weight loss exercise plan at home can do for your body. 

I was always of the mindset that I NEEDED to spend at least an hour in the gym and go every day of the week to see results. This is far from the truth. It is true that you may see results a bit later than if you were working out for longer. However, 30 minutes daily will be enough to drop a few months a month. Over time you will see the results in the mirror. 


Knowledge is key to losing weight. It is about knowing the right foods, the right workout routine, the right calorie intake etc. This can be a lot of information, and most people get overwhelmed. The thing is, people with weight issues tend to start by looking up way too much into different exercises, diet plans and supplements. But you should know that all this knowledge and information is useless without practical application. 

To keep things simple, I will share some simple exercises to lose weight at home. You can do these anywhere with a minimum of or no equipment. Best of all, anyone can do them. 

Best Home Workouts For Weight Loss

1- Burpees

Burpees are sort of the bread and butter of a high-intensity workout. No fat-burning workout would be complete without burpees. This exercise is straightforward to do. Place your hands on the floor, spring your feet back and do a press-up. And then jump your feet back in and spring back up. Repeat. Alternatively, you can skip the press-up part if it is too difficult. Remember, these are beginner workouts, so you should not worry too much about perfection. 

2 - High Knees

Do not underestimate simple high knees. They look easy to start but very hard to do multiple reps with perfect form. High knees are great for your legs, cardio and core. Use your arms so that your body is fully engaged, and simply jog on the spot while raising your knees to waist height.

3 - Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers are another high-intensity exercise that works your core and your arms. Place your hands on the step so you’re in an incline push-up position. Bring one knee in and then straighten it back out again. Then bring the other knee in and straighten it back out again. Do this quickly and keep going until the minute’s up!

4- Jumping Rope

Skipping exercise or jump rope is perfect for increasing your heart rate. A faster pumping heart results in faster blood flow across your body. Your body then burns more and more calories the longer to maintain that elevated heart rate. This exercise keeps your heart in a better and healthier condition. 

5- Lunges

Lungs are usually used as a popular strength training workout. The lunges strengthen and tone your lower body. However, if done correctly, these are also amazing for reducing body fat. The single-leg movements involved in this workout stabilise muscles to develop balance, stability, and coordination.

Work Out Regime 

This workout should not last more than 30 to 45 minutes, depending on how many breaks you need. Below is the beginner weight loss exercise plan at home. 

  • Burpees for 60 seconds for 3 sets 

  • High Knees for 60 seconds for 3 sets 

  • Mountain Climbers for 60 seconds for 3 sets 

  • Lunges for 60 seconds for 3 sets 

  • Jump rope for 120  seconds 

Depending on your needed time, you can rest from 30 seconds to a minute after each set. It is important to remember that as a beginner, it is best not to push yourself. Take your time and rest as much as possible. You may find jump rope to be challenging at first, so do not aim to do 2 minutes of jump rope on your first day. Slowly move up to it, take as many breaks as you need, and remember to stay hydrated throughout your workout. 

Medications And Supplements For Weight Loss 


Supplements are mainly used to put on weight rather than lose weight. Some people also replace nutrition from foods with supplements. You should always go for eating proper food rather than supplements. Only take supplements if you feel like you do not have the time to prepare a proper meal throughout your day.

Fat-loss medications are no magical potions and should only be taken if your doctor recommends it. Orlistat (Generic Xenical) and Xenical 120mg are two common weight loss medications for patients suffering from risk factors or diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus or hyperlipidemia. This medication helps by preventing the absorption of dietary fat in your body. They are usually prescribed to individuals who are morbidly overweight. 

IQ Doctor 

If you are looking for pharmaceutical options for weight loss, IQ Doctor is the place for you. We are a UK pharmacy fully licensed by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) to sell weight loss medications. We offer free online consultancy with our highly professional and experienced doctors. You can easily order online and get all your prescriptions delivered right at your door steps.

Reviewed By

Omar El-Gohary

Omar El-Gohary

The superintendent and lead pharmacist - registration number 2059792.

Omar is passionate about developing healthcare technology to empower our patients.

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