Lateral Flow Antigen Test Kit - Fit To Fly

24 November, 2021  |  Holy Winter - Healthcare Writer

Lateral Flow Antigen Test Kit - Fit To Fly

Lateral Flow Test has emerged as the main testing method for outgoing travellers. Leading up to one’s departure, one has to get a Fit to Fly certificate through a Lateral Flow Test.

What is a Lateral Flow Test?

The Lateral Flow Test looks for viral proteins (antigens) of the COVID-19 virus in the swab sample. It’s a test that has been widely used before for different purposes owing to its ability to analyse a wide range of biological samples to test for a particular substance and provide a quantitative value for it. The benefit of Lateral Flow Testing over most available testing methods is that it can be performed with relative ease, costs a lot less, and usually presents the results within minutes.

For Departure - Outgoing International Travellers 

Depending on the country you are travelling to you may be required to take an LFT or a PCR test on arrival. This is done to ensure that you or anyone on your flight was not exposed to COVID-19 on the way to the country. Aside from being tested, you may be required to quarantine. 

With the reintroduction of the red list, travel may be temporarily banned to those countries specifically. You are strongly advised to check the status of the country you are travelling to. 

Before you travel, make sure to check the entry requirements for the country to which you are travelling. You may also need to check whether that country is on the red list. You can see all the testing/vaccination requirements for countries here.

Also, check the specific airline requirements. Almost all airlines will require proof of vaccination. For UK citizens, this is the NHS COVID pass. An NHS COVID Pass shows your coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination details or test results. You can get an NHS COVID Pass digitally through the NHS App or the online NHS COVID Pass service.

Another key requirement is COVID-19 testing. It is recommended that you get yourself tested 1-3 days before your departure. You cannot use the NHS testing service for this test and will need to book a test from a third party accredited service that provides a Fit to Fly certificate. 

IQ doctor offers a variety of testing options and our Lateral Flow - Fit to Fly is specifically suited for individuals needing a verified certificate for their negative COVID-19 status in order to travel.

For the past year and a half, the PCR test was the gold standard. However, it has now been replaced with a Lateral Flow Antigen Test  (LFT), which is more cost-effective and takes less time. It is also easier to use and can be administered and processed at home within minutes.  

Difference between LFT and PCR test

Lateral Flow Test looks for proteins (antigens) in the swab sample to detect the presence of COVID-19. Hence the reason why it is also known as the rapid antigen test. On the other hand, PCR (polymerase chain reaction) tests are designed to look for genetic material (known as RNA). The design of the two tests is clearly a key difference, but they differ in other ways too. You can read our blog on the topic for more detail. 

Lateral Flow Tests are also relatively inexpensive, unlike PCR tests, which cost many times more. Lateral Flow Tests are more efficient in delivering results as well, with a turnaround time of mere 30 minutes. In contrast, the PCR test can take between 24 to 48 hours for results. Lateral Flow Tests are ideal when people need to be tested frequently and thus more cost-effectively, while also needing results in quick time. 

Although the Lateral Flow Test is fairly accurate, a PCR test proves to be relatively more accurate in comparison. In most cases, it’s not a concern, but for those who test positive on the Lateral Flow Test, a confirmatory PCR test is often required for certainty. 

IQ Doctor 

IQ Doctor Online Pharmacy

IQ Doctor is a verified online pharmacy that provides lateral Flow Tests with Fit to Fly certificates for outgoing travellers. You can visit our website and easily get the test you need. The kit will be delivered to you in a quick time and with complete confidentiality. You can also get a free consultation by contacting us at

Last Updated on 03-Dec-2021

Reviewed By

Omar El-Gohary

Omar El-Gohary

The superintendent and lead pharmacist - registration number 2059792.

Omar is passionate about developing healthcare technology to empower our patients.

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