Kit up for COVID 19 – CoronaVirus Home Testing Kit.

27 October, 2020  |  Holy Winter - Healthcare Writer

The problem at hand.

The COVID 19 pandemic has disabled the entire world economy for 2020. Declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2020, the lethal viral outbreak is here to stay for the worst, encumbering our social life and economy alike. To make an effective change, Medical Researchers, Pharmaceutical Enterprises, and Public Health Practitioners have taken up the vanguard role. Sadly, this virus does not differentiate between a nurse and an engineer, and man and child. Frontline workers themselves are the highest risk of contracting this lethal disease.

To meet the tests of these trying times, our team at iQ Doctor UK has procured a state-of-the-art device enabling customers to test for the novel coronavirus, from within the sanctity of their very own homes. This has dramatically reduced the public’s reliance on medical infrastructure by employing intelligent self-quarantine techniques.

Our solution

We at iQ Doctor UK humbly present the COVID-19 Corona Virus Home TestKit. Easily operable and quick to use, our testing kits will deliver you results within 12-36 hours. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, don’t go thinking we’re being too big for our own boots and feel free to make an informed decision by reading this article.


What is COVID-19?

As citizens of the UK, we’re also witnessing this ‘once in a century pandemic’ change our entire social norms. People simply cannot socialise in fear of transmission of this mysterious new disease. Whether one’s looking forward to visiting their elders in the countryside or just going out and about to the greengrocers’ for some much-needed perishables, it is expected of them to wear masks to hamper transmission of airborne secretion droplets containing the virus. By sanitising one’s hand continually after contact with contaminated surfaces, one may avoid transmitting the virus externally. These measures are practically demonstrable for the general public.

However, even after due care and calculation, one can never be certain to be 100% Corona Free. COVID-19 Testing Positive is no short of a living nightmare.

This is because the COVID-19 has an alarmingly high transmission rate in the UK ( 9-alert-level). The infection mortality rate (the number of reported deaths divided by the number of infections) for the disease is around 3-4% in contrast to the 0.1% of the seasonal flu ( d-19.pdf?sfvrsn=96b04adf_4). No wonder the UK is moving up to Alert Level 4.

First of its kind

Everyone ponders this basic question, what is the COVID-19 disease?

Unlike other seasonal cases of flu, the COVID-19 disease is caused when the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) enters the bloodstream via the pulmonary action of the lungs. Once there, it may wreak havoc on the human body. It may attack the blood cells, dropping oxygen levels, causing a cytokine storm, and pulmonary thrombosis ( ological-changes-and-treatments/). Thrombosis is the agonising, unyielding swelling of lungs caused by the friction between viral load and immune response. This is the primary cause why so many people are put to ventilators, an aching approach to mechanised breathing.

Truly lethal

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention USA deems that patients with compromised immune systems and underlying health conditions are at even higher risk. This is caused when the virus is transported via red blood cells to other weakened organs. These conditions mainly include cancer, chronic kidney disease, chronic pulmonary disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. This is exactly why the global medical community is at a standstill on COVID-19 disease treatment.

Our professionals at iQ Doctor UK are experienced with a multipronged approach to wellbeing, reach out to us at if you’re looking for a customized approach to solving your problems.

In the battle against such a lethal disease, the NHS has limited service capability of swab testing. 119 callers are repeatedly being told, “We’re very sorry – the available allocation has already been issued at this time.”

and-scotland. In such dire straits, the professionals at iQ Doctor UK have met the market demand with COVID-19 Corona Virus Home Test Kits.

No Compromise

So stop compromising on your human needs during the quarantine and adopt a systematic social distancing with our Test Kits. Receive our Test Kits within 24 hours at home. Place your order here.

Kit up

Your COVID-19 Corona Virus Home Test Kit is a means of access to dedicated medical professionals who are there to assist you, 24/7 via telephone. From queries on COVID-19 SOPs to setting up your kit, we are at your side as your very own tower of strength. Once set up, simply take a swab sample of your saliva from the lower throat, package it in the container, disinfect the package with a propyl alcohol swipe and post it to our lab. Our UKAS accredited laboratory professionals will diagnose your sample to study for metrics like viral load and antibody growth. You’ll get results back in 12-36 hrs based on current turnaround times. If you test positive, your test results will be shared with the Department of Health and Social Care (or Public Health England if you’re there) and we’ll advise you on how to communicate with the NHS. We value your faith in the IQ Doctor team to assist you in decisions of you and your loved ones’ wellbeing.


If you’re planning to travel internationally, you’re bound to face the SOPs in place to avoid international transmission. You may be required to present a negative COVID-19 PCR results to qualify for travel.  With IQ Doctor UK COVID-19 coronavirus Home Test Kit, you’ll conveniently get emails of your negative result. Consequently, you’ll be issued a free ‘Fit to Fly’ certificate to enable seamless international travel.

An invaluable tool

Our testing kit is a game-changer in the fight against the COVID-19 disease in humans. With a practical COVID-19 2020 cure still out of reach for the public, we advise you to take on the pandemic, one day at a time. Just make sure to keep wearing a mask, pocket a hand sanitiser, and pack your Coronavirus Home Testing Kit.

Reviewed By

Omar El-Gohary

Omar El-Gohary

The superintendent and lead pharmacist - registration number 2059792.

Omar is passionate about developing healthcare technology to empower our patients.

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