Hit the books, keep your family safe – CoronaVirus Testing for Kids

27 October, 2020  |  Holy Winter - Healthcare Writer

Peaking pandemic

The COVID 19 pandemic has led to a substantial loss of life around the world. With well over 40,000 dead in the UK, entire families and communities have been ravaged by the novel coronavirus. Due to extremely high infection rates, the United Kingdom is now under Phase 4 lockdown. This has substantially impacted the socio-economic development of the UK. The Office of National Statistics (ONS) notes practically the highest unemployment rates in recent history at 4.1% (a slight increase from 3.9%).

In these trying times, households are becoming more and more desperate to balance their finances and their wellbeing. Now, we fully understand you can’t always get the new gaming console for your child, but this problem is a different ballgame.

Your kids are especially susceptible to the novel coronavirus because they simply haven’t developed the immune system to combat this lethal virus. We strongly advise you to reject contrarian opinions and take this pandemic very seriously.

Yes, children can carry coronavirus. Yes, you need to exercise COVID testing for kids. Don’t worry, we’ll guide you how.

iQ Doctor leads the way

No one minds a few days of winter vacation due forecasts of a harmless hail, but sadly, this 6-month old pandemic is foreseeable till Summer 2021. To meet these challenges head-on, the entrepreneurs at iQ Doctor UK have stepped forward to light the way ahead.

The COVID-19 Corona VirusHome Test Kit is an innovative device that provides corona tests within 24-48 hours. Receive your kit within 24 hours of order placement. Visit our store here.

Symptoms in kids

Dubbed as the new normal, we have been forced to question a vital pillar of English society, our schools. Higher education is relatively less affected because university students, as adults, have the considerable agency to practice social distancing and self-quarantine.

School children, on the other hand, be it primary or secondary are highly dependent on their parents/guardians to make sensible decisions during emergencies. The John Hopkins Medical Institute has listed several symptoms of COVID-19 caused by the novel Coronavirus:

  • Cough
  • Fever or chills
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Sore throat
  • New loss of taste and smell
  • Diarrhea
  • Headache
  • New fatigue
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Congestion or runny nose

Children in the UK account for nearly 19% of the total population. A total of 35,200 tests were carried out on children under the age of 16, with 1,408 cases among kids aged 15. Eight children lost their lives during the period of the study. This gives us a clear, somber message, we’re already too late.

Deadly dominos

Further compounding these effects is the fact that COVID-19 is even more lethal to obese humans. Prediabetic conditions such as ineffective blood insulin levels can strain the liver and pancreas. After transmission via lungs, the coronavirus directly attacks the RBCs, thereby circulating in the entire body. The virus finds its way into the liver and pancreas and multiplies exponentially due to the favorable environment. This compounds the viral load. A study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

(https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6932e3.htm) noted that 1 in 3 obese children was submitted in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Health disparities only increase fatality.

Red rashes

COVID-19 is also accompanied by yet another disease-causing red rash on children’s skin. This rash is due to the Multisystem Inflationary Syndrome (MIS-C) and is now deemed to be a post-viral syndrome. Caused by the overreaction of the body’s immune system. This has been confirmed by studies in the US (https://emergency.cdc.gov/han/2020/han00432.asp), where the MIS-C symptomatic children tested positive for coronavirus as well. The rashes could accompany the following symptoms:

● Fever

● Abdominal pain

● Vomiting

● Diarrhea

● Neck pain

● Rash

● Bloodshot eyes

● Feeling extra tired

Tools of the trade

We understand your good intentions when you feel that your child’s education should not be compromised. As parents, we dedicate our heart and mind to the wellbeing of our children. But due to the pandemic, all social institutions have been affected. Social distancing and

self-quarantine has been applied to reduce the load on public hospitals and reduce the risk of transmission amongst patients suffering from other diseases. This vicious-cycle has made approaching this pandemic a catch-22 for governments across the globe. But all hope is not lost. As individuals, you can still teach and reinforce preventive actions to keep your kids safe.

iQ Doctor UK’s COVID-19 Corona Virus Home Test Kit will be an integral part of your child’s COVID-19 combat kit. But prevention is the best medicine!


Instruct your child to wash hands regularly for 20 seconds. If soaps aren’t available, keep a hand sanitizer in their school bag just to be safe. Teach your child to cover all the surfaces. Wear a mask and teach the children to wear one when they are outside of the home. Avoid close contact from people, stay at least 6ft(2 metres) apart as a safety measure. Stay away from people who are coughing and sneezing. If you’re coughing or sneezing, cover your face with a tissue, dispose of the tissue in a garbage bin and sanitize your hands after it. If you lead with action, your kids will follow you up within no time.

If you or your child show any symptoms mentioned above, you’ll have to use the COVID-19 CoronaVirus Home Test Kit. Simply take a swab from the child’s lower throat, offer a sugar-free treat if needed. Package the sample in the container, disinfect it, and post it to our lab address. The team at our UKAS accredited lab will diagnose the sample and reach back within 24-48 hours. You will also be sent a PDF copy of the results from the lab as proof of your positive or negative result. This PDF can be used as evidence in the case you are to travel with your family to another country.

At IQ Doctor UK we are working with public and private stakeholders to advise citizens on combating this disease. Our UKAS accredited laboratories are working 24/7 to bring specialized medical assistance to the public. Feel free to reach us at help@iqdoctor.co.uk so we may be of service to you and your family

Reviewed By

Omar El-Gohary

Omar El-Gohary

The superintendent and lead pharmacist - registration number 2059792.

Omar is passionate about developing healthcare technology to empower our patients.

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